Everyone has the right to a dignified existence. From this conviction, Vluchtelingen in de Knel (VidK) is committed to the basic rights and needs of undocumented migrants.
Everyone has the right to a dignified existence. From this conviction, Vluchtelingen in de Knel (VidK) is committed to the basic rights and needs of undocumented migrants.
In Eindhoven, we know of hundreds of people without residence permits. They often struggle to survive; they are not allowed to work and are excluded from all social services.
Since they are undocumented, they are not entitled to basic rights: food, drink, accommodation, health care, legal aid and development. Moreover, they run the risk of ending up in immigration detention centres, and are thus reluctant to ask for help.
During its 25 year existence, VidK has accumulated expertise in providing assistance to undocumented migrants. We offer shelter, socio-legal guidance and mediation of health care. By investigating the different perspectives for the future together with refugees and by focusing on the development of their strength and resilience, we strive for a sustainable solution for each individual.
To help as many rejected refugees as possible with the available resources so they can assert their basic rights and achieve a sustainable future. Therefore, it is essential to raise public awareness of the situation of rejected refugees in the Netherlands. The objective is partly achieved by influencing public policy regarding rejected refugees and their rights.
Based on the firm conviction that every human being has a right to exist, we advocate access to basic rights for undocumented migrants and the achievement of sustainable prospects for rejected refugees.
VidK offers rejected refugees the space to work on their own prospects, by providing expert help in social and legal fields, stimulating their own strengths and contributing to a structural improvement of the position of rejected refugees in the Netherlands.
VidK is committed to (rejected) refugees. These are people who have asked the Dutch authorities for protection but did not received it. They no longer have the right to social services and are forced to live on the margins of society. We guide rejected asylum seekers, victims of human trafficking, refugees who have to live on the streets while awaiting their case and refugees who want to return to their country of origin but need time to prepare.
Also, there is a large group of uninsurable non-European undocumented migrants who have not asked the Dutch authorities for protection. We mediate for them in accessing basic rights such as health care, safe reporting to the police, recognition and children's education.
The (unremunerated) board of VidK consists of Miriam van der Smissen (chairperson), Riëtta van Empel-Bouman,
Ko Jansen and Renate Richters.
VidK runs on about 50 volunteers who are active at all levels in the foundation.
In addition, we work with 13 paid employees with various backgrounds.
Management team: Eef Daey Ouwens and Merrelyn Poetsema
Legal-social workers: Daphné Mirabel, Mahtob Boot, Manon Brouwers and Sanne Lenaers
Social workers: Carlo Scheepers and Yamina Bazi
Support legal & social team: Ramata Jalloh
Future orientation: Ramata Jalloh and Scott Ratcliffe
Consultation hours: Annelies van Zitteren and Ramata Jalloh
Activation: Scott Ratcliffe
Communication: Karen Bedaux
Officemanager: Annelies van Zitteren
Administration: Ad Broeken
Please take a look at our policy plan to learn more about our work, our mission, vision and our objectives (in Dutch).
Below you will find an overview of annual and financial reports of recent years (also in Dutch).
Rejected refugees can turn to VidK for shelter, individual counseling and access to basic rights. We also carry out various projects, some of which are commissioned by the municipality of Eindhoven.
We have been sheltering rejected refugees in our own houses in Eindhoven since the 1990s. At the moment, we have about 30 accomodations available. We offer shelter based on the basic principle that it is impossible to work on prospects when living on the streets. We thus offer rejected refugees a safe place, where they can work on a sustainable future in the Netherlands, a third country, or their country of origin. We offer these refugees intensive socio-legal counselling.
To qualify for shelter at VidK, we ask rejected refugees and/or their contact persons to send an e-mail, with their complete record attached, to opvangaanvraag@vidk.nl.
In addition to our own accomodations, we also run the Eindhoven municipality's reception-project for rejected refugees. Rejected refugees who have a regional connection with the municipality of Eindhoven can make use of the Bed, Bath, Bread and Counselling (BBBB) services. The principle of the BBBB is to connect clients to existing shelter facilities, and to use their own strengths and networks. Therefore, a large part of the sheltering concerns facilitating support within the client's own network by means of weekly living allowance and the provision of counselling. In case the client does not have their own network, we also welcome people in our accomodations, or the municipality will accommodate people in their 24-hour shelter.
VidK offers intensive counselling to rejected refugees. With our counselling, we work towards achieving a sustainable perspective of the future in the Netherlands, the country of origin, or a third country. With it, we also support refugees in making choices and plans for the future and we increase their resilience and self-reliance.
In the legal field, we prepare a new case together with the client and support lawyers in obtaining evidence for starting a new regular asylum procedure or appeal. Rejected refugees are often referred to as 'processed out' asylum seekers. However, 75 to 85% of the refugees that we counsel intensively with a new case, receive a residence permit after all. Creative approaches from our team, new facts and circumstances and obtaining new evidence ensure that a large group of refugees can receive a permit after all.
VidK works from the basic principle that every human being has the right to a dignified existence. We, therefore, mediate in getting them access to health care, a place to sleep, food and clothing. As a foundation, we also believe that other rights, such as the right to family life, the right to education, and the right to safely report to the police, are basic rights.
VidK currently supports approximately 300 undocumented migrants in Eindhoven in gaining access to these basic rights. Even though undocumented migrants legally have access to most of these facilities, access is not a self-evident. There is a great deal of unfamiliarity among both our clients and the organisations that offer these facilities. VidK thus mediates access and informs partner organisations in Eindhoven and clients about the possibilities.
VidK is committed to mobilising rejected refugees. We look for daily activities and training opportunities, such as courses at the craft centre.
Together with SUMMA, Fontys and the TU, we have been able to arrange training places for rejected refugees. These are unique places because adults without residency rights are officially excluded from attending a training course. However, when people can keep developing themselves, they are more independent, have more self-confidence and a higher sense of self-esteem.
The asylum system in the Netherlands is not conclusive. Rejected refugees end up in inhumane situations on the streets and are excluded from services. They are not allowed to work, go to school or develop. To structurally improve the position of undocumented migrants in Eindhoven and the Netherlands as a whole, we look after their interests locally and nationally. We do this by informing local and national politics, giving presentations and lectures, and participating in symposia. In addition, we set up campaigns, such as the Campaign (ON)GEZIEN (unseen), and actively share our knowledge of the target group.